Friday, March 1, 2019



Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Those who practice it use tiny amounts of natural substances, like plants and minerals. They believe these stimulate the healing process.
Homeopathy is the treatment of a disease by administering minute dose of natural substances that in a healthy person would produce symptoms of the disease. It is an alternative medicinal practice that uses nano-doses of an active ingredient to help treat a disease, even if the active ingredient is the one contributing to the illness in the first place. It works on the concept of “like cures like”.
The active ingredients used in homeopathy are plant, animal or mineral-based. Commonly used ingredients include fresh or dried herbs, activated charcoal, vinegar, garlic, caffeine and stinging nettle plants. The active ingredients from these substances are extracted in specific ways and processed into tablets, ointments, gels and drops. 

How Does It Work?

A basic belief behind homeopathy is “like cures like.” In other words, something that brings on symptoms in a healthy person can -- in a very small dose -- treat an illness with similar symptoms. This is meant to trigger the body’s natural defenses.
For example, red onion makes your eyes water. That’s why it’s used in homeopathic remedies for allergies. Treatments for other ailments are made from poison ivy, white arsenic, crushed whole bees, and an herb called arnica.
Homeopathic doctors (who also are called “homeopaths”) weaken these ingredients by adding water or alcohol. Then they shake the mixture as part of a process called “potentization.” They believe this step transfers the healing essence. Homeopaths also believe that the lower the dose, the more powerful the medicine. In fact, many of these remedies no longer contain any molecules of the original substance. They come in a variety of forms, like sugar pellets, liquid drops, creams, gels, and tablets.

How Homeopathic Medicines are Made:

Homeopathic medicines are drug products made by homeopathic pharmacies in accordance with the standards and processes described in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS)—the official homeopathic manufacturing manual for the United States. Homeopathic medicines are regulated by the FDA and homeopathic pharmacies must comply with the FDA’s current Good Manufacturing Practices. The substances used to prepare homeopathic medicines include plants (such as Wolf’s Bane, Deadly Nightshade, dandelion, or plantain), minerals (for example, iron phosphate, arsenic oxide, or sodium chloride), or animal products (e.g., the venom of a number of poisonous snakes, or the ink of the cuttlefish). There are even a few homeopathic medicines prepared from chemical drug substances such as penicillin or streptomycin.
The technique for making a homeopathic medicine involves repeated dilution of a specific substance until little of the original substance remains. When manufacturing a homeopathic medicine from a plant, for example, the first step involves cleaning and preparing the plant with alcohol and water, as prescribed in the HPUS, to make a tincture. This tincture is then diluted and strongly shaken. This step is repeated over and over to create increasing potencies of the medicine. For example, one drop of a plant tincture may be mixed with 9 drops of alcohol (to achieve a ratio of 1:10), and the mixture will then be strongly shaken—a process known as succussion. The resulting homeopathic medicine is labeled with a potency according to the number of times this has been done.

The Best Homeopathy Treatment in Bangalore:

HOLISTIC LIFE CENTRE, managed by HYVA Charitable Trust Bengaluru, a consortium of mainstream alternative systems surrounded by luxuriant natural green beauty is placed in the Silicon Valley – The Electronic City of Bangalore

  • It believes that individual’s susceptibility is the root cause of all kinds of diseases and accordingly treated.
  • It treats the person/patient and not the disease.
  • Prevention and cure range from simple respiratory diseases to the dreadful autoimmune disorders, from simple flu to gigantic allergic conditions.
  • It also caters non-matched solutions for behavioural changes as well as psychosomatic problems.
  • Holistic Life Care Center offer these services through the Department of Homeopathy based on the law of similar, the principle of minimum dose, and the principle of single remedy.
  • Holistic Life Care is among the best Homeopathy treatment in Electronic City, Bangalore
  • The highest ideal of cure is the speedy gentle, and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful.

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