Monday, March 4, 2019



Once upon a time, the Unani mode of treatment was the privilege of the kings, queens, who would patronize it. Post the British era which curbed any form of medical systems apart from allopathic medicine, there was a sharp decline in the acceptance of this traditional form of treatment. However, recent researches that have revived the Unani medicine have pinpointed its various benefits some of which are listed below…
•    Unani medicine is unparalleled when treating chronic diseases as asthma, arthritis, cardiac disorder, mental disorder, urinal infection and digestive disorder. 
•    Modern researches have also established the fact that Unani medicines are very effective for the treatment of skin diseases which include leukoderma.
•    Unani medicines claim that they can also cure AIDS. It is believed that certain drugs increase the immunity level of the AIDS patients. The increased immunity system, in turn, helps the patients put a brave face against the fatal disease. However experts of western medicine doubt this claim. 
•    According to modern researches, Unani physicians have achieved wonderful results in the treatment of cerebral palsy. Hakim Usama Akram has reported that he led a research among the children afflicted with cerebral palsy and the treatment showed encouraging results. Hakim Akram further informed that at the end of the experiment, the affected children started showing significant improvement in their cognitive levels.
•    Treatment history of Unani system indicates that it is quite capable of curing ziabetus or diabetes completely if treated in the early stage of the disease.
•    However, the most laudable achievement of the Unani mode of treatment is its effectiveness in treating any kind of sexual disorder. In fact, the efficacy of Unani medicines for the treatment of sexual disorder stays unrivalled. According to Hakim Jameel, Unani medicines have effective and permanent cure for any sexual ailment. 
•    It is also helpful in treating the sterile condition in women quite easily. This mode of treatment offers medicines for improving sexual potency and general health. Unlike Viagra and many of its Indian variants, these medicines for the correction of sexual disorders are free of any harmful substance.
•    Unani medicines can also cure acute conditions such as acidity, indigestion, flatulence, dysentery, diarrhea, bronchitis, coryza and catarrh, abdominal pain, urticaria and several other ailments. 

Treatment in bangalore

In Unani medicine, conditions are often treated with herbal formulas containing a variety of natural substances. For example, a formula known as Khamira Abresham Hakim Arshad Wala contains such botanicals as saffron, cardamom, Indian bay leaf, and citron.
Considered a tonic, Khamira Abresham Hakim Arshad Wala is said to enhance heart health and aid in the treatment of cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure and angina. Commonly prescribed treatments in Unani medicine also include dietary changes, leech therapy, and surgery.

DIAGNOSIS in  bangalore

According to Unani medicine, management of any disease depends upon the diagnosis of disease. Proper diagnosis depends upon observation of the patient's symptoms and temperament.
Unani, like Ayurveda, is based on theory of the presence of the elements in the human body. According to followers of Unani medicine, these elements are present in fluids and their balance leads to health and their imbalance leads to illness.
According to Unani practitioners, the failure of the Quwwat-e-Mudabbira-e-Badan, or the body's ability to maintain its own health, may lead to derangement of the normal equilibrium of the body's akhlat (humors). Abnormal humors are believed to lead to pathological changes in the tissues at the affected site, creating the clinical manifestations of illness. The theory postulates the presence of blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile in the human body. Each person's unique mixture of these substances determines his mizaj (temperament). A predominance of blood gives a sanguine temperament; a predominance of phlegm makes one phlegmatic; yellow bile, bilious (or choleric); and black bile, melancholic.


The Tibb-E-Unani is the great art in medicinal field rightly traces its origin from Hypocrites and recompiled and renaissance during the medieval period by Arabs with their own aptitude and expertise.
  • It believes that disease is a natural process. It indoctrinates that to restore health one should have a balanced state of four senses of humour viz. Dam-Blood, Balgam-Phlegm, Safara-Yellow Bile, Sauda-Black Bile.
  • The nitty-gritty of this system is to the preservation of self through conserving the immune system that is Quwat-E-Mudabbirah to its optimum level.
  • The Department of Unani, in Holistic Life Care we offer unique kinds of medicines stocked over here from Morocco to various parts of India as well.facebook
Holistic Life care 228/4 S.Bingipura, Electronic City Phase 1, Bengaluru - 560105 
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+91 99457 22955
Bengaluru - 560105
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